Kitaen Silva
The Ancient Akuko |
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Kit's profile picture featuring updated design elements | |
Species: | Souzou-sha (創造者), a creator |
Akuko (悪狐), a nefarious variant of kitsune | |
Age: | "at least" 2043 (est. total) years "alive" |
Gender: | Nonbinary |
Pronouns: | Any, they/them, mirror |
Honorifics: | Mg. ("mage"), Magister |
Mq. ("mac"), Marchionexa | |
Orientation: | Demiromantic-Asexual |
Design: | Kitaen Silva |
Artwork: | Misty |
"If one has the necessities to live and can sleep on the ground
listening to nothing but the footsteps of the insects…
then that is enough."
~ Karura, from Utawarerumono
(A vignette will go here!)
((TBD, reserved for a "self introduction" of sorts))
Behind the Model
((TBD, reserved for details about being a VTuber, and some non-identifiable tidbits about the person behind the model))
Quick Facts
((To filter into the right side table!))
Kit has existed for a great many millenia in one form or another, but only a small fraction of it has been in a tangible shape wrought upon a realm, in no less than three separate occasions. The rest of the time that Kit has existed comes in an intangible form, a mere soul or spirit wandering the halls of various afterlife courts; an uncountable and unknowable years in the stillness where time holds little meaning and offers no method by which to measure its passing. Years that may as well be seconds, seconds that may as well be decades, all that matters is the whim of those whose responsibility it is to cast judgement on those who pass through the courts as one small step in the cycle of reincarnation.
First Incarnation - Ennuli
Kit's de facto origin is that of an Ennuli, a species of Aleurian with a few obvious but mostly subtly vulpine features that is otherwise a being which appears to simply be an unusual, aetherial, otherworldly human. They were born far to the future from Earth's perspective, a fresh soul with no history, to a very large family of significant but not abundant wealth and standing. Kit themselves were fairly ordinary for any Ennuli, and perhaps below average in appearance for what was expected of the Silvan estate - they were often compared to their brother, Hel, who bore the more iconic features and looks of the Silvan family, and as such Kit had long expected Hel to be the inheritor of the estate when that time came. Ennuli, however, are very long-lived and Kit would be 15 years of age - a mere adolescent by Human standards, let alone Ennuli standards - when they became estranged from the Silvan family after an extremely heated conflict with Hel.
Helsimthe had stolen Kit's design and engineering documents for a novel freight and storage solution that was meant to be Kit's coming-of-age contribution to the family in several more years, and attempted to claim it as his own. Their altercation began verbally, escalated to a physical confrontation, and further escalated to a demand for a sanctioned duel, which was approved in the format of fencing with live steel. Hel lost an arm and Kit successfully reclaimed their documents, however Hel was declared the winner of the duel itself and Kit had been alienated from the family at large, as had been one of Hel's original schemes to begin with - the loss of the documents was of no consequence to him, and the loss of limb was only temporary with the wealth and technological connections afforded to the Silvan family; Hel soon had a quite advanced prosthesis and a heavily twisted story to use for manipulating the perception of those around him, which he used to great effect and personal gain. Where Hel's position in the family grew manifold, Kit's atrophied and they all but became cast to the wayside.
Losing the rights of an acknowledged Silva, Kit had nowhere to safely call home among the family, leaving them struggling to make ends meet on the streets of the Iron District. While searching for a safe place to camp after their part time job in construction, they witnessed the shattering of Ruitari, a harrowing harbinger of interstellar war sent from the distant planet of Carthage, which sent all of Aleur into a frenzy. Recruiters popped up in kiosks on every corner, and with little to lose and much to gain, they enlisted to the IPK. The opportunity is not squandered in Kit's hands - the military provided room and board as well as advanced education, fitness, and discipline, they had every reason to keep a death grip on what was offered in exchange for their service. Kit's effort and zeal for keeping the amenities offered resulted in them ascending the ranks with a quickness, until they were promoted sideways into a new task force oriented around preserving the Aleurian cultures, creatures, flora, and peoples - Carthage had committed to and stood by actions which would lead to the mutually-assured destruction of both Aleur and Carthage, so a clandestine coalition of organizations from all manner of neighboring civilizations conspired to evacuate the interstellar neighborhood with a scant fleet of colony vessels.
Kit's promotion put them into a leading role of “Project AERIE”, which was Aleur's end of a treatise plainly called the Mutual Evacuation Plan (MEP) - the Destination Department team soon found “Habitable Object Rondure-Umbra Selection 513774” (HORUS-513774, later colloquially named “Sierra”) and not long after that, the construction of two gargantuan interstellar colony vessels reached completion. Kit was put into a co-commanding position of the INMS-17 EEU-2 "Kamiki" alongside Captain Gabriel Morelock, boarding and departure procedures were carried out with reasonable efficiency, and together with the “Shovakir” the colony vessels launch at twilight in order to take advantage of the night side of Aleur for a quiet and minimally-observed exit trajectory from the system in two very different directions - all of the colony vessels from the various planets engaged in the MEP would rendezvous at a specific system well outside the civilized neighborhood, but until then they were all firmly instructed to depart in very different directions to maximize the likelihood of one or both vessels from each planet successfully escaping - including the pair of vessels from the instigating world, Carthage.
The journey of the Kamiki and the rest of the fleet is a story for another time (Operation Records; Starward Bound, Sierra Sojourn, Radio Control), and the events upon and within Sierra itself are yet further stories all to themselves. Eventually circumstances had arisen after about 400 years where the colonies were floundering in a conflict with a mysterious entity only known as The Source, and as a response out of necessity, Kit had gathered a relatively small complement to travel with them to the recently-discovered and comparatively undeveloped but militaristically-strong planet of Earth. Being roped into the exhausting bureaucracy, diplomacy, and politics of Earth took far more time than intended, as they had inadvertently become the first interstellar beings the Humans had encountered, so their plight of seeking aid to push back The Source somehow played second fiddle to anything else they were caught up in. Unfortunately, Kit's first incarnation would come to an end here; Kit would be shot and killed by a lone gunman claiming to be acting on behalf of a terrorist organization that violently opposed the arrival and acceptance of the “aliens” that had arrived from space.
Second Incarnation - Human
Kit dying unjustly on Earth caused an uproar, both in the world of the living as well as the realms of the deceased - no court of the afterlife bore any precedent or proceedings to follow for processing a non-human sapient being, least of all one from another world entirely. The effects of Kit's murder on the world of the living is a story of little significance at all, but the waves it would cause in the afterlife would be the foundation for the rest of experience Kit's soul would accumulate in the following incarnations - with the presiding judges and clergy of Yomi-no-Kuni being at an utter loss, they had overall decided to delay Kit's judgement and force their Ennulian soul into a Human vessel quite some time into the past compared to when Kit had died. Time in the afterlife is not equivalent to time outside of it, so the purpose of this decision was to allow the courts ample time to deliberate over a formal process for this situation. However, putting the incorrect soul into a foreign vessel is a recipe for disaster, one which wouldn't become apparent until later.
This new lease on life for Kit was simple in nature but difficult in effect - they were reborn to a nomadic indigenous folk of northeast Russia, and their life proceeded quite plainly even through its common tribulations; settling down as part of a permanent city, establishing a family trade in lumber and tree-felling, forming a family of their own, experiencing several worldwide but common human events, growing elderly, and passing away at the age of 81 during a trip into China, all without any memory of their first incarnation. Not much to speak of overall while they were alive as a human, insignificant from a greater perspective, but of immense personal value to Kit's upcoming third incarnation. After passing away and entering Diyu, regaining a recollection of the 441 years of memories they accumulated as an Ennuli, and angering the entire Chinese court system of the afterlife by being “leftovers” from Yomi-no-Kuni, Kit's aetherial spirit was hurled out of Diyu with haste. Thankfully the rage of the judges of Diyu resulted in their soul being thrown back to Yomi-no-Kuni, where they somewhat fell between the cracks of Yomi-no-Kuni's afterlife systems and spent a lot of time getting pretty casual with The Ministry of What's Right and What's Wrong and the individuals who claim affiliation among the Ministry's ranks. A particular yama overseeing Paradise eventually found a way to neatly weave Kit back into the actual workings of the afterlife, setting them on a correct course back out of the realm of the dead. Unfortunately, a recently-exorcised malicious fox spirit would not be content to pass on to its next incarnation without one last bit of mischief - it sneakily swapped places with Kit, resulting in the fox getting the reincarnation due to Kit, and Kit getting the reincarnation due to the troublesome fox spirit.
Third Incarnation - Akuko
Kit's current incarnation is a long and storied one, perhaps even more so than their initial 441 years as an Ennuli - to date, they have lived approximately 1,522 years in this current incarnation; been chased hither and yon all across ancient Yamato, all throughout early Japan, and into the founding of a particular land of Fantasy; and inadvertently been the cause of creation to an entire world beyond worlds. It started out not any different from how the life of any other ezo fox goes - in the wild and focused singlemindedly on survival. As they aged in this incarnation it would become further and further apparent to themselves and others that they were no ordinary fox. For slightly over half a century Kit would be venerated as a protective spirit or a messenger of a higher deity, and housed in the humble shrine of a small village, but upon reaching 100 years of age, both Kit and the opinions of the humans surrounding them would change very drastically - Kit would regain their memories of their prior incarnations, acquire their second tail and a jet black coat of fur elseways dyed with deep crimson, and the villagers would summon Buddhist monks to exorcise and eliminate Kit as a harbinger of ill fortune, which would begin the rest of their proclivity for running away from everything and being chased by people who want nothing more than for Kit to release their grasp on life.
Only after discovering that the hiding place they had established on the side of a mountain had been completely sealed away in a mystical barrier along with themselves and half a country's worth of territory would they finally be able to relax for a while, staying vastly unnoticed from the increasing hustle and bustle of youkai and humans and other beings - at least until they were no longer able to go unnoticed. Thankfully, even running into their old pursuers - who had gone through their own personal hell of sorts - no longer evoked a Tom-and-Jerry chase across the countryside, but new problems would arise every so often in the form of “Incidents” - some involving the mystical barrier, others involving specific individuals causing mischief and mayhem, and yet others being some sort of unexpected supernatural phenomena - and eventually Kit themselves would be caught up in “Incidents” and the solving thereof. Many of the stories about Kit's escapades in and around this land of Fantasy are for telling at another time, but nearing the end of them, Kit had an Incident of their own to solve; they had accidentally created an entire world.
A combination of Kit's negligence and overengineered streamlining of a conscripted employment they found themselves engaged in would produce a particular intangible byproduct which kit would just discard into the nothingness of what they had perceived to be a simple dream world, and that byproduct which ordinarily would never “build up” in any normal circumstances had started to accumulate in Kit's dream world, extending beneath the little void island like roots, unseen and unheard until they grew thick and twisted and firmly entangled as a tall trunk - Kit and their home quietly perched at its peak while it grew unchecked for many years. By the time Kit or anyone else had noticed, this root which would become known as the Welkin Pylon had reached an absurd height of hundreds of thousands of miles, and would be comprised of a slapdash of all manner of locations, points of interest, landforms, and even entire biomes, each all impossibly stacked and twisted and intermingled and merged into each other throughout the entire height.
A lot of experimenting and fine-tuning to clean up the end result of these discarded sentiments would lead to the creation of a proper world at the base of the Welkin Pylon, but Kit themselves would always remain at its peak, even to today, where they while away their time doing odd tasks and favors for different organizations, maintaining their soul-sorting machinations, and taking up a recent hobby of streaming as a means to try reconnecting and growing familiar with humans and other beings of a kinder bent than those of Kit's distant past.
((Places that Kit has been deployed into on behalf of the ITPF in the name of realm stability and correction))
The Realm on the Cliff
The Prison Planet
The Pelagian Purchase
A Dream World Foray
A Pangalactic Nightmare
Of Therian Meddlings
To Recall Those Who Were
To Forge What Could Have Become The Future
Memento Mori
To Acknowledge That Which Has Passed