Pentra is the home world of Kali Ranya. It has two core conceits:
- Furry: There are no strictly human-like creatures on the world. All the many and varied sapient species are varieties of non-primate anthropomorphic animals.
- Medieval Fantasy: Stories of Pentra have the flair of a romanticized Middle Ages, with heroic knights, grand castles, daring feats of martial prowess, wicked sorcerers, and the like!
¶ Denizens and Technology
Following from the central conceits, the following guidelines apply:
- Non-sapient plants, animals, fungi, etc. that one could find on Earth, including species that went extinct during human history on our world (dodos, thylacines, etc.; not dinosaurs and the like)
- The theri, sapient bipedal humanoid versions of members of the animal kingdom. Most commonly mammals, but some reptiles, birds, amphibians, even insects. Theri typically have animalistic faces, ears, skin (ie fur, scales, exoskeleton), and tails, but human-like hands with opposable thumbs; legs and feet vary along a spectrum of human to animal musculoskeletal anatomy. Stature varies more than human stature does, but not to absurd degrees: think the fantastical range from "halfling" to "half-ogre", not "pixie" to "hill giant".
- Stereotypically fantasy-medieval technology. Steel; mechanical armatures powered by muscle, wind, or water; slings and bows
Rare but Known
- "Magical beasts" and "monsters". These are not typically entire species, but unique aberrations or small populations created by non-recurring magical interventions or phenomena acting on ordinary animals or theri. As such, they still tend to be recognizably animal in style: unicorn, manticore sure; shoggoth, beholder no.
- Crossbows; simple gunpowder explosives, typically in large, unreliable, dangerous to operate devices. Innovation sufficient to end the supremacy of mounted knights in armor is not yet here, but probably not far off.
- Legendary weapons/items; alchemical concoctions with bespoke magical effects
Off Limits
- Sapient primates, be they humans, elves, orcs, or whatever. Furries only! A "kemonomimi" style character would probably be interpreted as a theri with some congenital or traumatic disability.
- Robots, electronic devices, sustained electrical power. Harnessing e.g. a lightning strike to some effect is rare-but-known.
- Mass-produced magic items like "healing potions"